A resource that describes briefly many such efforts can be found on line
at <www.digitaldividend.org>--our Clearinghouse, with over 900 ICT for
development projects. Quite a few are basic connectivity efforts--both
networks, like n-Logue, EID Parry's Corners, ITC echoupal, etc., as well
as access points like telecenters (we list more than 100).  These
efforts vary widely--see our in-depth case studies of several of them
also posted at that site, and our analysis of telecenters.  In general,
all face high connectivity costs, and some also face regulatory barriers
or opposition from legacy telcoms; virtually all those in our database
seek to foster development.

Most of the telecenters do not have sustainable business models, and
will probably eventually fail. Many of the emerging networks that seem
sustainable target their efforts--eg to rural farmers, in the case of
ITC echoupal. Most use phone-line connectivity or VSAT, but n-Logue is
using wireless links. We believe that emerging wireless technologies
will dominate efforts to provide low-cost connectivity in the coming
years--both MESH networks using WiFi, and larger area networks using

In some areas, newer cellular networks may also compete for basic
connectivity, primarily because they already have a successful business
base, and we have documented a number of instances where cellular
companies are providing singificant social value (Grameen Telecom,
Vodacom Phone Shops).

Allen L. Hammond
Vice President for Innovation & Special Projects
World Resources Institute
10 G Street NE
Washington, DC 20002  USA
V (202) 729-7777 
F (202) 729-7775

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