Mauritania, West Africa has fairly good internet access in regional
capitals. It costs less than $1/hour in most cases. Smaller towns
often don't have electricity, so that's another battle.

Peace Corps volunteers such as myself are involved in helping
Mauritanians acquire computer skills.

It will take a while for most Mauritanians to get to the stage of using
computers and the internet, but this is partly a simple problem of
literacy. That is, they can't read, so they can't make the most of the
internet. Granted, there is a lot of potential for using computers for
literacy training.

I'm finishing up with the Peace Corps in December and am looking for a
job, if anyone knows of anything. I'd prefer to stay in Africa, but am
willing to work on the east coast of the U.S. as well.  Please email me
if you would like me to send you my resume. Thanks.

Shelagh Bocoum

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