Hello All,

With regard to Ahmed's note and the great work he is doing by bringing
Internet literacy to the students in his university in Nigeria, what if
you could connect one Campus Content server to that Internet connection
and locally store many times the content in the US Library of Congress?
What if this provided simultaneous access for several hundred users on

And what if simple low-tech Pentium II that supported Netscape or
Internet Explorer were all that was required to access this Internet
content, as well as, a myriad of rich content including e-Books,
e-Learning courses, video and multimedia resources? etc. were also
available to any student on campus, wirelessly could be refurbished
Pentium II-class PC's that support either Netscape or Internet Explorer?

And, what if all the content on this server were remotely refreshed
nightly via satellite broadcast with any updates so that those content
resources were always current as of 2:00 AM that day and were available
to students, faculty, and administration at high-speed using a simple,
reliable wireless campus network?

Yes, this is possible and it is being done today! And, it operated on a
financially self-sustaining basis by the University or a local community
business person who is charged with providing this reliable service.

And, when the contagious enthusiasm of turned-on Internet- savvy
students demonstrate the power of technology-assisted teaching and
learning to the faculty and those in the university's administration, it
empowers a paradigm shift in thinking for this University. In addition,
this reliable, remotely-managed Campus- wide approach can also include
partnerships with international universities (from Canada and US) that
currently offer world- class virtual degree and diploma programs to
students on their local campus.

This is an exciting time as affordable, sustainable, repeatable
capabilities such as those described above can bring together
world-class computing, global connectivity, content, training, teacher
professional development, and virtual support in under- served and
developing regions. And, as a result, the digital divide is narrowing
with increasing opportunities for literate and articulate people from
anywhere in the world to compete for a new breed of "virtual jobs" in
the emerging global information society workforce.


Robert Miller
EVP Global Inc.
Direct:   (416) 423-9100
Mobile:  (416) 464-7525
Fax:      (416) 696-9734

History teaches us that people and nations behave wisely, once they have
exhausted all other alternatives....   Abba Eban

Ahmed Isah wrote:

> ...The issue is not to do with selling a useless product that has no
> demand. Rather, it has to do with whether the target market is really
> aware of the benefits of the product to them. This then boils down to
> illiteracy of the benefits of the Internet to the user. Take my case as
> an example. We provide a 24 PC Internet connectivity in an academic
> environment in Nigeria with about 10,000 students and 400 academic
> staff. Yet, the connectivity was not maximally utilised. However, when
> we embarked on Internet awareness training to the students, we now have
> to plan for more PCs as the students continue to troop in.

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