On Monday, December 1, 2003, Robert Miller wrote:

> Simon Woodside wrote:
>> WorldSpace is a broadcast system. With a WorldSpace system you are 
>> only capable of receiving data, not sending it.
> I wish to disagree in that we are currently using WorldSpace very
> effectively as a global multicast solution to refresh all of the Axxess
> servers that Advanced Interactive currently has installed across Africa.
> With a dialup line as a "back channel" the server maintains contact with
> the global Network Operations Center that remotely manages this entire
> network.

..[snip statements I agree with]...

> let us not discount this technology where a differentiated "last mile"
> solution can manage its shortcomings and turn 1-way downlink with a
> server managed dialup back channel into a viable way of a sustainable
> affordable connected community.

Robert, your post has raised more questions than it answered. Thus far,
WorldSpace has been billed as a beachhead information system that can be
deployed in areas that have no communications infrastructure. I think
I'm convinced at this point that's a valid development, though not one I
would ever pursue.

It's been assumed so far that once an internet connection is available,
the internet is superior. And yes -- since on the internet, my rural
users can talk back, hold conversations, email their relatives, use VoIP
-- all impossible with WorldSpace.

Now you have described a situation which adds a dialup to the regular
WorldSpace receiver unit. But why would anyone bother with WorldSpace at
all if they have dialup internet access?

We run the risk of applying a technology (WorldSpace) "just because we
can" in that situation.


99% Devil, 1% Angel
homepage http://www.simonwoodside.com
for the developing world http://www.openict.net
member of http://www.mozilla.org/projects/camino

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