Sam & GKD Readers,

Thank you for a truly outstanding contribution to this conversation.
Your comments should be required reading for my college's partners in
Africa, and for the donor countries who work with them. The notions of
knowledge management and networking, and a culture of learning and
change within an orgasnization, are at least as important as the
development of professional skills on the part of individuals.

--Bob Spear

Dr. Robert J. Spear 
Past President, Maryland Distance Learning Association
Professor, Computer Information Systems
Prince George's Community College 
Largo, Maryland 20774 
phone: 301-322-0156 fax: 707 982-7178 
Experience is that marvelous thing that enables you 
to recognize a mistake when you make it again. 

On 06/14/04 Sam Lanfranco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Skilled personnel seldom work in isolation. They work as part of an
> organization, institution, team or community, and they constitute
> 'communities of practice' where access to knowledge and skills are as
> critical as access to material resources. For professional development
> to translate in a society with a better supply of professional services
> they have to be employed in organizations that have embraced some degree
> of knowledge management and knowledge networking.


> As much attention should be given to the role of ICTs in generating a
> culture of knowledge management and knowledge networking within the
> institutions where skilled personnel and professions work. As much
> attention should be given to how communities of professionals can use
> ICTs for knowledge networking to sustain skills and share knowledge --
> across time and space and on as a "just-in-time as needed" basis.


> Lastly, it is probably impossible for organizations, institutions and
> communities to go beyond the most rudimentary of knowledge management
> unless they are also willing to transform themselves -- to some degree
> -- into learning organizations. Without the elements of learning
> organization culture present in the settings in which professionals
> work, it is difficult for them to do the right things right. The end
> result is either a waste of professional talent, or the lost of that
> talent to employment abroad.

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