
Why then did developing Countries in Africa embrace the typewriter,
mobile phone, and fax machine? I submit, that the notion of
organizational cultural changes as a significant prerequisite for ICT
skill development is flawed. Rudimentary adoption of technology are
already evident in some parts of the developing Countries, and it came
as a function of a need for improved productivity. It's that simple.
Teach a man how to use a PC, he throws the Typewriter away.  What
Knowledge Networking does he need in the face of improved productivity?
As far as the mismatch and institutional setting, you said it, it's the
dream of having 5 Computers that has become vital!

On 6/14/2004, Sam Lanfranco wrote:
> Professionals in developing countries are quite familiar with the
> mismatch between currently current professional skills and the
> institutional setting in which they must operate. Ask those nurses who,
> in frustration and for personal advancement, have left Africa, Asia and
> the Caribbean to work in Europe or North America. Ask doctors from the
> same regions who have had to work to build a hospital if they want a
> hospital to work in.  Ask that medical records officer in a Ghanaian
> children's hospital who has 25,000 patients’ records folders in a 10x12
> foot room, the one who dreams of 5 computers.
> As much attention should be given to the role of ICTs in generating a
> culture of knowledge management and knowledge networking within the
> institutions where skilled personnel and professions work. As much
> attention should be given to how communities of professionals can use
> ICTs for knowledge networking to sustain skills and share knowledge --
> across time and space and on as a "just-in-time as needed" basis.


> Lastly, it is probably impossible for organizations, institutions and
> communities to go beyond the most rudimentary of knowledge management
> unless they are also willing to transform themselves -- to some degree
> -- into learning organizations.

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