Cyber-Security and E-commerce

Cyber-security is essential to e-commerce. Businesses must establish
trust with their potential customers. Countries need to prevent
cyber-fraud that can cripple e-commerce activity. Yet developing
countries face special obstacles in their efforts to safeguard their
companies' e-commerce activities. Many lack a legal infrastructure that
can thwart digital crime. Yet these countries also have conditions that
foster cyber-crime: many people with sophisticated computer skills and
very low incomes, in an environment of expanding organized crime. The
financial lure of cyber-crime can outweigh that of legitimate
e-commerce. The challenge is particularly daunting for developing
countries that lack representation in international merchant and bankers
associations, and use accounting norms unlike those of the dominant
economic powers.

Clearly, developing countries need more effective approaches to address
this challenge. They need better communication with other countries, to
collaborate and move quickly when cyber-crime threatens. Countries
accused of poor cyber-security must establish their innocence or prove
they are taking the steps needed to ensure security. Everyone involved
in promoting e-commerce -- from businesses to the development community
-- must find effective means to build cyber-security so that e-commerce
can flourish.

Key questions:

1) Who must take what steps to build global e-commerce systems? WTO?
Donors? Transaction companies such as Paypal and Visa? Governments?
Private firms?

2) Are there examples of public-private partnerships that have increased
3) Within countries, who must take what measures to build cyber-security
and trust among consumers? The government? NGOs? Businesses? Citizens?

4) What solutions are working? Are there tools and techniques that have
been effective and would be appropriate for developing countries?

5) How can organizations in developing countries get certified in order
to build trust among potential e-customers? Do certification agencies
have a responsibility to support cyber-security in developing countries?

6) When countries are branded as "unsafe" for e-commerce, what can
innocent companies do to rescue their own e-commerce efforts?

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