We have discussed a lot of the problems for e-commerce in developing
countries but not a lot about the individual work arounds for both
buying and selling through e-commerce.

Trying to think like a businessman, it sounds like the problems related
to e-commerce and security can be divided into:

1. payment systems

2. methods to verify identity and build trust (for resolution of
problems, quality, trust, branding)

3. shipment/tracking that goods and services are actually delivered

4. privacy for transactions (i.e. you don't want your competitors know
prices/locations, etc)

>From what I know (and that is rather limited) there are a variety of
work arounds, including partnering with bigger, more well known
companies (such as eBay or Amazon) to sell goods, or find individual
responses (like finding a friend with a US-based credit card to process

I would love to hear of other work arounds that developing country
entrepreneurs use to overcome the security issues with e-commerce.

Siobhan Green

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