
Thank you so much for this.

For me the most pressing issues are:
 *  allowing punctuation in the filenames
* the layout of the Artwork, so that the fields occur in their usual standard order & missing fields are included
 *  moving the 'gwtoolset-title-identifier' and
'gwtoolset-url-to-the-media-file' fields out of the artwork template, eg into a template of their own

I hope these are all fairly small changes, almost cosmetic, that can be sorted out quickly.

But they would make a huge difference -- I've already had a sharp note on my Commons talk page that the images have filled up the automatic "Artwork template with incorrect parameter" maintenance category,
making the category useless for identifying other user's genuine mistakes because it's full of the 430 images that I uploaded.

As for the filenames, and the template fields, I really really want to get these sorted. Really the only sensible way for me to fix them is to re-run the entire upload, once the tool is patched.

But until I've done the re-upload that's blocking me from doing a lot of essential plumbing -- eg properly categorising the images; wikilinking their subjects, adding them into articles (including swapping the new images in instead of a lot of existing inferior versions -- which are exactly the things that are needed to make the upload look good, if the upload is going to be cited in the official release at the end of the month. But at the moment I'm blocked, because there is no point in doing any of those things, if I know that I'm going to do a batch re-upload that will wipe all of those things out.

So I hope these key things aren't big fixes, but if it could be possible to get a patched version of the tool up and running I'd be incredibly grateful.

All best,


On 06/03/2014 16:58, David Haskiya wrote:
Hi James,
Great that the tool was useful to you! You're our first user "in the wild"!

And thanks for the constructive feedback. I'll go through it together with Dan 
Entous who developed the tool and create tickets based on them. The project 
doesn't have further funding right now but the fixes that are small we're happy 
to make. We'll get back to you on this list.

David Haskiya

(who was the project manager for the GLAMwikitoolset project)

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