#2051: -hide-package doesn't allow hiding uninstalled package
    Reporter:  MagnusTherning   |        Owner:       
        Type:  feature request  |       Status:  new  
    Priority:  normal           |    Milestone:       
   Component:  Compiler         |      Version:  6.8.2
    Severity:  trivial          |   Resolution:       
    Keywords:                   |     Testcase:       
Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)   |           Os:  Linux
Comment (by ajd):

 I wrote a patch to "fix" this but I'm not sure it ought to be the correct
 behavior. According to the comments around the function in question,
 -ignore-package already has this behavior because it's supposed to be used
 as a just-in-case thing, they way you are trying to use -hide-package.
 Anyway, I'm attaching the patch and I'll leave it up to the powers that be
 to decide what to do about it.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/2051#comment:1>
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