#2497: Weird scoping for tyvars in rules
 Reporter:  rl        |          Owner:         
     Type:  bug       |         Status:  new    
 Priority:  normal    |      Milestone:         
Component:  Compiler  |        Version:  6.8.3  
 Severity:  normal    |     Resolution:         
 Keywords:            |     Difficulty:  Unknown
 Testcase:            |   Architecture:  Unknown
       Os:  Unknown   |  
Changes (by simonpj):

  * difficulty:  => Unknown


 Ah, there are a bunch of issues here.  Two other closely related tickets
 #2498 and #2213. I'll write some notes here to cover all three.  I have
 not executed any of the actions; I'm interested to know what others think

  *  RULES pragmas can't be parsed if the lexer isn't recognising 'forall'
 as a keyword (you'd get parse errors immediately).  So the lexer only
 recognises RULES as a pragma if the lexer's explicitForallBit is on.
 Currently that bit is switched on by the extensions `ScopedTypeVariables`,
 `PolymorphicComponents`, `ExistentialQuantification`, `Rank2Types`, and

  *  If one of these flags isn't on, the lexer pretends not to recongise
 the RULES pragma, which in turn gives an "unrecognised pragma" error in
 the HEAD.  That seems wrong, regardless of flags:   it's a perfectly good

  *  '''ACTION 1''': We should have a language extension `-XRewriteRules`
 that makes the lexer recognise RULES pragmas.  If `-XRewriteRules` is not
 on, they should be silently ignored as comments.

  *  '''ACTION 2''': The `-XRewriteRules` extension should enable 'forall'
 as a keyword (the explicitForAllBit).

  *  In a RULE, the 'forall' binds only *term*-variables. You can't say
 `RULES "foo" forall a (x::a).  <blah>`. There's no reason in principle why
 not, but we'd need syntax to distinguish term from type variables, so I
 don't propose to change this.

  *  So type variables are brought into scope much as they are in a pattern
 match, such as `(\(x::a) -> blah)`.  At the moment, you have to specify
 *both* `-XPatternSignatures` to allow such a type signature in a pattern
 at all; '''and''' `-XScopedTypeVariables` to allow the type variable to
 have scope
  This is a bit confusing, but it does make sense to have
 `-XPatternSignatures` without `-XScopedTypeVariables`; you migh say
 `(\(x::Int)-> blah)` for example.

  '''ACTION 3''': still, I propose that `-XScopedTypeVariables` *implies*

  *  Currently if you use `-XPatternSignatures` without
 `-XScopedTypeVariables` for `(\(x::a) -> blah)` you get
          T2497.hs:3:28: Not in scope: type variable `a'
      And you can see why now!

  *  RULES always allow signatures on the forall'd binders; you don't need
 -XPatternSignatures (and I think it'd be pedantic to require it).  So now
 you can see why you get the scope error. Possible alternatives to the
 status quo
     * `-XRewriteRules` implies `-XScopedTypeVariables`, in the entire
     * We unconditionally but locally enable `-XScopedTypeVariables` in a
 rewrite rule.  In some ways this would be consistent with the way that
 RULES allow signatures without a flag

     '''ACTION 4''': Opinions?

  *  The flag `-frewrite-rules` is actually an *optimisation* flag.  If
 it's off, the Simplifier doesn't apply any rules at all. It's implied by

     '''ACTION 5''': it looka s bit too much like a language flag. I wonder
 about renaming it to `-fenable-rewrite-rules` or `-fuse-rewrite-rules`


Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/2497#comment:2>
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