#2497: Weird scoping for tyvars in rules
 Reporter:  rl        |          Owner:         
     Type:  bug       |         Status:  new    
 Priority:  normal    |      Milestone:         
Component:  Compiler  |        Version:  6.8.3  
 Severity:  normal    |     Resolution:         
 Keywords:            |     Difficulty:  Unknown
 Testcase:            |   Architecture:  Unknown
       Os:  Unknown   |  
Comment (by rl):

 My two pebbles...

  * '''ACTION 1''': Agreed in principle, but what about backwards
 compatibility? There is a lot of code with RULES and none of it uses
 `-XRewriteRules`. IMO, it would be better to always recognise RULES. Note
 also that RULES don't necessarily require `forall`; see
 #rule-spec for examples.

  * '''ACTION 2''': I think `forall` in RULES should always be recognised
 as a keyword. It is quite different from the other uses of `forall`,
 anyway, since it quantifies over terms, not types. Also, coupling
 `explicitForallBit` with a not obviously related language feature seems
 wrong. If `forall` isn't always recognised in RULES, we should have a
 separate `-XForallKeyword` (perhaps we should have that anyway).

  * '''ACTION 3''': I think the two should be kept separate but don't
 really care either way.

  * '''ACTION 4''': Enable `-XScopedTypeVariables` locally. Does
 `-XPatternSignatures` apply to RULES somehow? If so, enable this locally
 as well.

  * '''ACTION 5''': `-fuse-rewrite-rules` or `-fapply...` looks good to me.

  * I think `forall` in RULES should bind type variables as well. I'm not
 sure new syntax is needed here: if it is used as a type, it's a type
 variable, otherwise it's a term variable. Or can this lead to ambiguities?

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/2497#comment:3>
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