#2740: free variable not available in debugger
    Reporter:  phercek   |        Owner:        
        Type:  bug       |       Status:  new   
    Priority:  normal    |    Milestone:        
   Component:  GHCi      |      Version:  6.10.1
    Severity:  normal    |   Resolution:        
    Keywords:  debugger  |     Testcase:        
Architecture:  x86       |           Os:  Linux 
Comment (by phercek):

 Hi, Simon Marlow indicated that the unavailable selector function could be
 a bug too here:

 My opinion is that it is a bug, i.e. functions which are not exported from
 a module should be available when debugging inside the module where they
 are defined (but they should not be available when debugging some other

 In other words (from a debugger user perspective), all identifiers which
 are in scope at a break point location should be available in debugger for
 use. Of course I see now that there are technicall reasons why non-free
 variable identifiers (which are in scope) are not available. In such a
 case some workarounds may be done to improve the pain
 (http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/2737). But do the same
 technical reasons apply also to function names too? I hope not.

 Maybe the "field selection function not available in debugger" part of
 this bug report is a new feature request instead of a bug?

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/2740#comment:3>
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