#2740: free variable not available in debugger
    Reporter:  phercek   |        Owner:        
        Type:  bug       |       Status:  new   
    Priority:  normal    |    Milestone:        
   Component:  GHCi      |      Version:  6.10.1
    Severity:  normal    |   Resolution:        
    Keywords:  debugger  |     Testcase:        
Architecture:  x86       |           Os:  Linux 
Comment (by mnislaih):

 It would be a feature request, but ghci already provides this feature.
 *Main> :m + *BL.Test
 will bring the full top level of BL.Test into scope, regardless of what
 the export list says. I'm not sure if 6.8.x had this feature already.

 But probably what you want is this done automatically when stopped in a
 breakpoint, right ? In that case, please open a feature request ticket and
 make sure to put me in the CC.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/2740#comment:4>
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