#3472: Porting through .hc files broken
    Reporter:  pumpkin           |        Owner:                  
        Type:  bug               |       Status:  new             
    Priority:  normal            |    Milestone:  6.12 branch     
   Component:  Build System      |      Version:  6.12.1 RC1      
    Severity:  normal            |   Resolution:                  
    Keywords:                    |   Difficulty:  Unknown         
    Testcase:                    |           Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |  
Comment (by ksf):

 We either have to come up with a solution for using hsc2hs (take the
 intermediate C files to the target and compile/run them?) or convert .hsc
 files to autoconf + CPP (yeuch).

 It's quite straight-forward to split up the %.hsc->%.hs rule in two, the
 first one generating %_hsc_make with a cross-compiler, the second one
 moving the binary over to the target, executing it and piping the result
 into %.hs. Compiling on the target is certainly feasible, too, but I
 happen to have a working cross-compiler.

 I am, however, stuck with make, in the area of separating the build
 directories into stage1/stage2 for the libraries as well as transferring
 ./configure output over from the target to the build platform, without
 having that trigger recompilation of stage1 (and the package info being a
 bit messed up wrt. -l flags, but that's a minor concern)

 Compiling the stage2 libraries with actual target info also opens up the
 issue that we can't use the native gcc as it's quite likely to fail, not
 so much while compiling (at least .hc), but linking: My linux doesn't come
 with libutil, for example. Both using a cross-gcc and replacing gcc with
 touch should work, I've not had much time to investigate this.

 The main issue, however, is that we're infecting perfectly cross-platform
 .hc with platform-specific information by preprocessing Haskell instead of
 C: It might be feasible to generate C stubs for all hsc2hs macros and
 calling them via the ffi, leaving resolving of platform-specific things
 until later. The whole build-process depending on .o s being generated
 even when all you want to have are .hc s isn't helping things.

 And then there's David's LLVM work... I'm currently slurping his thesis
 because porting via LLVM looks very, very, elegant and painless, at least
 from afar.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/3472#comment:5>
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