#4387: Huge executables with GHC 7
    Reporter:  daniel.is.fischer  |        Owner:  igloo
        Type:  bug                |       Status:  new  
    Priority:  highest            |    Milestone:  7.0.1
   Component:  Compiler           |      Version:  7.1  
    Keywords:  executable size    |     Testcase:       
   Blockedby:                     |   Difficulty:       
          Os:  Linux              |     Blocking:       
Architecture:  x86                |      Failure:  Other

Comment(by josef):

 It seems to me that what is really needed is a form of compile time
 imports. Some way to indicate that an imported module will only be used at
 compile time, for instance to use annotations or to generate code using
 Template Haskell.

 Jonas Almström Duregård bumped in to the same problem when using Template
 Haskell. He needed to import modules for use only at compile time but they
 where also linked in when the binary was created. Link to email:

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/4387#comment:26>
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