#4387: Huge executables with GHC 7
    Reporter:  daniel.is.fischer  |        Owner:  igloo
        Type:  bug                |       Status:  new  
    Priority:  normal             |    Milestone:  7.0.1
   Component:  Compiler           |      Version:  7.1  
    Keywords:  executable size    |     Testcase:       
   Blockedby:                     |   Difficulty:       
          Os:  Linux              |     Blocking:       
Architecture:  x86                |      Failure:  Other

Comment(by rl):

 How likely is it that this will be fixed in time for 7.0? If it won't be
 fixed, we have a couple of alternatives.

   1. I could remove !SpecConstr annotations from vector for now. I would
 rather avoid that if at all possible because they are necessary for
 performance. Also, we can't do this for DPH because we really depend on
 `NoSpecConstr` there.
   2. We could change the annotations to strings. That is,
 `ForceSpecConstr` would become `"ForceSpecConstr"` and !SpecConstr would
 look out for such annotations. Then, vector (and DPH) wouldn't import
 anything from package ghc.
   3. We could introduce a package ghc-annotations which would only define
 the annotation types and which both vector and ghc would depend on.
 Presumably, linking in ghc-annotations would have no impact on binary
 sizes. FWIW, I would be in favour of doing this anyway because I've had
 several complaints about vector depending on package ghc.

 What would GHC HQ prefer?

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/4387#comment:32>
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