#4934: threadWaitRead works incorrectly on nonthreaded RTS
    Reporter:  slyfox          |        Owner:  simonmar                   
        Type:  bug             |       Status:  new                        
    Priority:  high            |    Milestone:  7.0.3                      
   Component:  Runtime System  |      Version:  7.0.1                      
    Keywords:                  |     Testcase:                             
   Blockedby:                  |   Difficulty:                             
          Os:  Linux           |     Blocking:                             
Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)  |      Failure:  Incorrect result at runtime

Comment(by slyfox):

 Replying to [comment:4 simonmar]:
 > I've tried this program on a couple of different machines (32 and 64-bit
 Linux) with several versions of GHC, and haven't managed to reproduce the
 error.  Does it fail right away for you?

 Does the first test '''(main = threadWaitRead 12 >> print "yet input!")'''
 work for you and shows an error in nonthreaded case?

 For me it works incorrectly (does not show any errors) in:

 - ghc-6.12.3 nonthreaded
 - ghc-6.12.3 threaded
 - ghc-7.0.1 nonthreaded

 The second test (in tarball) fails only on ghc-7.0.1 nonthreaded.

 The test is factored out from xmobar sources. The failure is 100%
 reproducible on two machines.

 > Can you tell me more about your setup?  (exact versions of tools etc.)
 Does it fail on a different machine for you?

 It's my amd64 gentoo desktop (notebook) box with recent software.
 Linux kernel 2.6.37, glibc-2.12.2, ghc-7.0.1 (bootstrapped by

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/4934#comment:5>
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