#4934: threadWaitRead works incorrectly on nonthreaded RTS
    Reporter:  slyfox          |        Owner:  simonmar                   
        Type:  bug             |       Status:  infoneeded                 
    Priority:  high            |    Milestone:  7.0.3                      
   Component:  Runtime System  |      Version:  7.0.1                      
    Keywords:                  |     Testcase:                             
   Blockedby:                  |   Difficulty:                             
          Os:  Linux           |     Blocking:                             
Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)  |      Failure:  Incorrect result at runtime
Changes (by simonmar):

 * cc: tibbe, bos (added)


 This is the way it has always worked.  The problem is that when `select()`
 finds that one of the file descriptors has been closed, it returns an
 error, but doesn't tell you which one it was, so in that case we inform
 all the blocked threads that they should wake up, and retry whatever
 operation they were doing, which will result in the appropriate exception
 being thrown.  I presume that `epoll` is able to determine which file
 descriptor is erroneous and generate the exception from `threadWaitRead`

 So typical uses of `threadWaitRead` won't notice the difference.  We could
 make the `epoll` backend ignore the exception, but that doesn't seem
 right.  Personally I'm happy to leave things as they are, but document
 that `threadWaitRead` may or may not raise an exception if the FD is
 closed (actually I'd like to remove `threadWaitRead` from
 `Control.Concurrent` anyway, it's really an internal API).

 tibbe/bos, any thoughts?

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/4934#comment:9>
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