#7022: Kind variable scoping problem in Iface file when using Template Haskell
  Reporter:  goldfire          |          Owner:                           
      Type:  bug               |         Status:  new                      
  Priority:  normal            |      Milestone:                           
 Component:  Compiler          |        Version:  7.5                      
Resolution:                    |       Keywords:  TemplateHaskell PolyKinds
        Os:  Unknown/Multiple  |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple         
   Failure:  None/Unknown      |     Difficulty:  Unknown                  
  Testcase:  polykinds/T7022   |      Blockedby:                           
  Blocking:                    |        Related:                           

Comment(by simonpj):

 Well that's odd. The code in the Description of this ticket works fine for
 me.  It's even in the regression suite.  Are you saying that the
 regression test fails for you (`polykinds/T7022`)? Can you say precisely
 what happens, including exactly the code you are compiling?


Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7022#comment:4>
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