#7022: Kind variable scoping problem in Iface file when using Template Haskell
  Reporter:  goldfire          |          Owner:  simonpj                  
      Type:  bug               |         Status:  new                      
  Priority:  normal            |      Milestone:                           
 Component:  Compiler          |        Version:  7.5                      
Resolution:                    |       Keywords:  TemplateHaskell PolyKinds
        Os:  Unknown/Multiple  |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple         
   Failure:  None/Unknown      |     Difficulty:  Unknown                  
  Testcase:  polykinds/T7022   |      Blockedby:                           
  Blocking:                    |        Related:                           

Comment(by simonmar):

 Also note that the fix caused a failure in `rnfail055`:

 --- ./rename/should_fail/rnfail055.stderr       2012-07-10
 16:59:23.000000000 +0100
 +++ ./rename/should_fail/rnfail055.comp.stderr  2012-08-02
 13:13:42.277992885 +0100
 @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@

      Type constructor `S2' has conflicting definitions in the module and
 its hs-boot file
 -    Main module: type S2 a b = forall a. (a, b)
 -    Boot file:   type S2 a b = forall b. (a, b)
 +    Main module: type S2 a b = forall a1. (a1, b)
 +    Boot file:   type S2 a b = forall b1. (a, b1)

 I didn't think the failure looked serious so I committed the new output,
 but maybe someone wants to look into it further.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7022#comment:9>
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