> Quite impressed with 4.02 so far -- it walks the walks, see promohype
> elsewhere, why should I give you all too much free advertising? ;-)
> It does indeed seem to be more go-faster than 3.02, _but_:
> No profiling!  Boo, hiss.
> Funny space behaviour -- a module I have that contains just 
> one king-sized
> constant definition (169K of structured list) now takes 
> _much_ more heap
> to compile with 4.02 vs. 3.02.  Details on request if this is a unduly
> Surprising result.

I've a feeling that the 4.02 compiler is a little more hungry than 3.02, and
we know there's at least one space leak in the 4.xx series.  We'll hopefully
get a chance to take a(nother) look at this before 4.03.


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