Simon Marlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> > Don't know about binary dists, but I compiled 4.06 from source and
> > it did install directly in /usr/local/lib, which is IMHO not so good.
> > Many files used by a single package should generally go to a separate
> > subdirectory. I reran ./configure with some option to install in
> > /usr/local/lib/ghc-4.06 to have less mess directly in /usr/local/lib.
> I think on reflection that /usr/local/lib/ghc or /usr/local/lib/ghc-4.06
> would be a better choice than /usr/local/lib.  In fact, binary distributions
> already use the latter.

I like the use of a prefix including the program name and
version number very much, as I usually have about three
versions of ghc installed (the latest stable release, the
stable release before that, and the current cvs version).

I understand Sven's position on that matter, but only
because some packages make a mess out of the installation
doesn't mean that we can't find a nice way to let different
versions co-exist.

> Include files, on the other hand, should really be in
> /usr/local/include/ghc, so f.e. #include <ghc/RtsAPI.h> has a chance of
> working.

That is indeed a problem.

> > BTW, I see lack of standard way of conveniently installing a Haskell
> > library. For example c2hs installs in its own subdirectory 
> > and provides
> > a script c2hs-config which outputs compiler and linker flags necessary
> > to link an application with c2hs libs. OK, but should every package
> > provide its own script?
> I don't think so.  Also, I don't think we should adopt a solution that
> requires the programmer to know anything about how or where a particular
> library is installed.
> I had in mind a slight generalisation of GHC's syslib mechanism.  Currently
> GHC's libraries (HsLibs) are split into about 7 categories, and you can
> bring a given category into scope by saying, eg. '-syslib text' on the
> command line.  GHC knows about dependencies between libraries, so you don't
> need to say '-syslib lang' as well, if text depends on lang.  The ordering
> is also unimportant.

I will still have to use `c2hs-config'[1].  The point of
`c2hs-config' is to provide a truely OS and compiler
system-independent way of using C->HS.  So, unless the
Haskell language definition enforces a fixed policy on
library organisation, the need for `c2hs-config' won't go

In fact, the concept behind `c2hs-config' is not my own
idea.  It is the mechanism used by the GTK+ and Gnome
libraries - ie, even C libraries run into essentially the
same problems as we do.

There are quite a number of subtleties involved here:

* How do I get the version of a library?  (I just use
  `c2hs-config --version'.)

* How can I have two versions of the same library installed?
  (With `c2hs-config' they can be installed with different

* How can I select between different versions of one
  library?  Eg, how can I have

    ./configure --cool-lib=<whichever>

  style options in a program using the library.

  (With `c2hs-config', you just provide the path to the
  c2hs-config script you want - the script knows the rest.)

* How can I handle multi-language programs/libraries (eg,
  mixed C and Haskell code)?  (The `...-config' script gets
  different flags for the different languages involved.)

* How can I select between different capabilities of my
  library (with or without threads or so)?  (`gtk-config' is 
  called with or without the `gthread' argument).

I don't know of any other configuration mechanism that
handles all these things gracefully.


[1] For those who don't know how `c2hs-config' works:

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