From: "Sigbjorn Finne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
         Cc: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
         References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
         Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 12:30:47 -0800

                "Sven Eric Panitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
         > It seems that the Socket library does still not work
         > with ghc 5.02.1.
         > I tried the simple test:
         > > main =
         > >     do
         > >     d <- connectTo "localhost" (PortNumber 80)
         > >     hPutStr d "GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n"
         > >     hFlush d
         > >     c <- hGetContents d
         > >     putStr c
         > On Windows2000 I get the known error:
         > *** Exception: does not exist
         > Action: getProtocolByName
         > Reason: no such protocol entry

         (You, of course, need to wrap up that code with Socket.withSocketDo
         to start up WinSock first).

         FYI, in case you're planning on doing socket programming with GHC-5.02
         on a Win32 platform, stay away from using the higher-level Socket module,
         since its IO.Handle based view of sockets is just broken. Stick with the
         lower-level SocketPrim interface instead.

         Specifically, stay away from using the following:

                        * Socket. connectTo
                        * Socket.accept
                        * Socket.sendTo
                        * Socket. recvFrom
                        * SocketPrim.socketToHandle


Thanks for the help and valuable information. 

I tried the following little test, which stays away from
above functions:

> module Main where
> import BSD
> import SocketPrim
> import Socket (withSocketsDo)
> main =  
>  Socket.withSocketsDo
>   (do
>     protNum <- getProtocolNumber "tcp"
>     s <- socket AF_INET Stream protNum
>     hostAddr <- inet_addr ""
>     let sAddr =  (SockAddrInet (toEnum 8080) hostAddr)
>     connect s sAddr
>     i <- sendTo  s "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" sAddr
>     (str,l,imsAddr) <- recvFrom s 1000
>     putStr str
>   )

But something I seem to be doing wrong.

During evaluation of 'recvFrom s 1000' I get the following
error message (consistently for unix and windows):

  Fail: SocketPrim.hsc:241: Non-exhaustive patterns in case

As the log of the webserver reveals the sendTo works fine.

Any idea what could be my problem?

Sven Eric

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