
It seems that there are changes in the OpenGl library during the last month. 
So I decided to load a really young cvs version of the ghc 
(ghc-6.5.20050206-src.tar.bz2). The compilation works fine.

My Problem is, that I also need the wxHaskell library. This compilation fails 
with the message:

ghc -c wxdirect/src/Map.hs -o out/wxdirect/Map.o -ohi out/wxdirect/Map.hi 
-odir out/wxdirect/  -package parsec -iout/wxdirect
sed: kann out/wxdirect/Map.d.in nicht lesen: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht 
make: *** [out/wxdirect/Map.o] Fehler 2

The third line is german and means "sed: unable to read out/wxdirect/Map.d.in: 
File not found".
This or an almost similar error appears when I use the cvs version of 

I'm also in contact with Daan Leijen, the main developer of wxHaskell.
He said:

Darn, it seems that ghc changed its  options or something. My makefile 
generates dependency files (".d" files) using ghc. Since "sed" can't 
find the file, it is either not generated or it is put at the wrong 
directory. Can you look around in your file system if there is a Map.d
or Map.d.in file somewhere around (maybe Map.hs.d.in ?) I guess it
is still in the source directory instead of the out/... directory.

If it is not generated at all, things become more complicated ..

Can anyone give a hint or knows the problem/change in the new ghc.
Currently I'm working with ghc-6.2.1.
Another solution is to get the OpenGl branch of the library path running with 
my old ghc. I tried it in my primitive and simple way and just copied the new 
OpenGL directory into my old source of ghc and recompiled it. The library 
fails to compile.

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