a...@spamcop.net wrote:
G'day all.

Quoting Sebastian Fischer <s...@informatik.uni-kiel.de>:

I have wrapped up (a tiny subset of) GHC's uniques into the package
`uniqueid` and put it on Hackage:


First off, thanks for this.

The main difference is due to my fear of depending on the foreign
function `genSymZh` which I replaced by a global counting IORef.

Why not depend on this instead?


Looking at the code for this, I'm somewhat suspicious that it actually works with GHC:

  -- The extra argument to ``gen'' is passed because without
  -- it Hugs spots that the recursive calls are the same but does
  -- not know that unsafePerformIO is unsafe.
  where gen _ r = Node { supplyValue  = unsafePerformIO (genSym r),
                         supplyLeft   = gen False r,
                         supplyRight  = gen True r }

even if that extra Bool argument is enough to fool Hugs, I wouldn't count on it being enough to fool GHC -O2! You probably want to use unsafeInterleaveIO like we do in GHC's UniqSupply library.

Also, I'd replace the MVar with an IORef and use atomicModifyIORef for speed.

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