Iavor Diatchki wrote:
 Also, your
implementation of it could be more efficient: it doesn't need to do locking,
so I suggest modifyIORef rather than atomicModifyIORef (Actually you'll have
to use readIORef >>= writeIORef >> return, instead, because modifyIORef has
a different type than atomicModifyIORef).

I don't think that that's quite right.  I was thinking that it should
be OK to use different supplies that share a reference in different
threads.  So, for example, split the supply and pass each version to a
new thread.  This should be OK with the dupable primitives because the
thunks would be evaluated in different threads.  However, we still
need the synchronize access to the reference, or we'll get incorrect

That's true (if you're careful enough about which thread is evaluating the splitting -- the existing split* functions are actually *not* strict enough for this, and they probably shouldn't be either, so an additional warning that the user may have to add some `seq`s or `evaluate`s might be needed). Anyway, if atomicModifyIORef isn't that big of an overhead, then no problem :-)

in fact, for lists (as you get a incomplete-pattern-match warning there, but
you know the list is always infinite, because you made it with "iterate"),
you could instead use an infinite-list type, Data.Stream from package
"Stream"[*]; as Stream is not a sum type (it only has one possible
constructor: Cons), it might even be a bit more efficient!

You are right but the benefit is small enough that I don't think it
warrants a dependency on another package.

I'm going to try to argue to convince you that it's entirely appropriate to use Data.Stream :-)

From my somewhat mathematical point of view, that is.

1. Data.Stream is a small module that implements a very well-known, practically standard (though under-used), and simple data type. All you really need from it is import Data.Stream(Stream(Cons)), plus (iterate, streamToList) if you're keeping your current interface. It's nothing you should be afraid to depend on, if you're using its concept (which you are). It's much smaller than the 'containers' package, which similarly you don't use but if you needed a Map or something you obviously should.

2. The more compelling argument, that it took me a good night's sleep to think of:

Supply is an infinite binary tree. Stream is an infinite unary tree (er, more commonly called infinite "list"). They're both codata. They're both comonads. (although they don't go so far as to depend on category-extras to provide an instance.) The primary function/purpose of Supply is an *efficient* way to turn a Stream into a Supply. I daresay it would, even, be more fundamental to provide interface
newSupply      :: Stream a -> IO (Supply a)
newSupply      :: a -> (a -> a) -> IO (Supply a)
(although it might be worth keeping both interfaces? mainly for compatibility, since one's just a Data.Stream.iterate away from the other and your haddocks could say so) In fact, it's terribly annoying to turn a (Stream a) into a (a, a -> a) -- in fact I don't think it can be done in general (you can turn it into a (b, b -> (a, b)) though a-la unfold, with b = Stream a) -- so you should definitely provide the above (Stream a -> IO (Supply a)) interface. (Although if you're cowardly enough about the extra dependency, I guess you could make it the riskier ([a] -> IO (Supply a)), risk being if the user provides a finite list... Sorry for conditionally insulting you; it seems a horribly underhanded thing for me to do :-)

Likewise, it would be nice for
split          :: Supply a -> Stream (Supply a)
...and then you would not even depend on Data.List anymore!

(I don't happen to think the arguments that Data.List is better than Stream for definitely-infinite lists are very convincing; except possibly that List will be more up-to-date with respect to stream-fusion optimizations, and even then, value-supply doesn't actually rely on any of those optimizations; it actually does keep around the Stream (or List), or in the case of Num/Enum, it doesn't use one in the first place.)

On the other hand, I still want the Stream-based interfaces, but my initial argument isn't even that necessary: consider implementing the current signature:
newSupply      :: a -> (a -> a) -> IO (Supply a)
currently by:
newSupply x f   = genericNewSupply (iterate f x) listGenSym
but we don't need to use a list at all, it could be like:
newSupply x f   = genericNewSupply x (\a -> (f a, a))
(with atomicallyModifyIORef added as appropriate depending on your refactorings)

P.S. more code cleanup, if you didn't notice it:

-- XXX: Is the atomic necessary?
import Data.IORef(IORef,newIORef,atomicModifyIORef)

yes the atomic is necessary, so you can update the comment to say why? (because multiple threads might be reading from a Supply-structure created from the same newSupply run, and we don't want memory corruption etc.)

import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO,unsafeInterleaveIO)

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 608
import GHC.IOBase(unsafeDupableInterleaveIO,unsafeDupablePerformIO)
unsafeDupablePerformIO :: IO a -> a
unsafeDupablePerformIO = unsafePerformIO

various "PerformIO" variants to delete (I'm absurdly pleased that we implemented this without needing any)

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