On Wed, 2009-06-03 at 15:59 -0400, David Menendez wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 5:38 AM, Duncan Coutts
> <duncan.cou...@worc.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
> > OSX users,
> >
> > please could you try out Gregory's Haskell Platform package below and
> > send commentary to the platform list, or file tickets in the platform
> > trac, that'd be great.
> > http://trac.haskell.org/haskell-platform/newticket?component=OSX%20installer
> Is this a universal binary, or Intel-only?

Like the existing ghc .pkg, it's Intel-only and requires OS X 10.5.

> > The plan is that for ghc-6.12 and onwards, that this will be the primary
> > way that end-users get their Haskell goodness on OSX, so it's important
> > that you provide feedback now so that we can get the thing working
> > nicely and try to make everyone happy.
> Will there be some integration with the existing distribution schemes
> for Mac OS X (fink and macports), or are end users expected to use
> cabal install?

We hope that since fink and macports are essentially traditional unix
ports systems that they'll provide haskell-platform meta-packages, just
as we hope other linux/bsd distros will do.

What we (the HP team) provide ourselves will be generic packages for
unix (possibly generic binary packages for linux) and packages for the
systems that have no distro system of their own, ie windows and os x
(for non-macports/fink users). We also provide the specification for
distro people to make native distro packages.


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