On 24/09/2009 23:54, Barney Stratford wrote:
Only limited success with GHCi, I'm afraid. The problem seems to be that
Snow Leopard is much stricter about security than Leopard was. (Caveat -
I don't really know what I'm talking about.) In particular, I don't
think it will let you execute code outside of the __TEXT segment, which
is exactly what GHCi tries to do - hence the bus errors.

We had similar problems with SELinux, which we worked around by using libffi to allocate our memory; it handles the multiple-mmapping trick that you need to do to avoid having memory that is both writable and executable. You might need to enable this for Darwin too: look in rts/sm/Storage.c:allocateExec(), and change the #ifdef so that the libffi version is used for darwin too.

I've tried just letting the dynamic linker (dyld) sort everything out
for us, but this failed because not all symbols are dynamically linked,
and the statically linked ones are invisible to it.

One change that will be necessary in any case: towards the end of
rts/Linker.c, change
case X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED:
thing += value - baseValue;


case X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED:
case X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED_1:
case X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED_2:
case X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED_4:
thing += value - baseValue;

Manuel, maybe you could validate and push this one?

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