Is it possible to tie the role to whether the data constructor is
visible or not?

On 07/10/2013 14:26, Richard Eisenberg wrote:
> As you may have heard, /roles/ will be introduced with GHC 7.8. Roles
> are a mechanism to allow for safe 0-cost conversions between newtypes
> and their base types. GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving (GND) already did this
> for class instances, but in an unsafe way -- the feature has essentially
> been retrofitted to work with roles. This means that some uses of GND
> that appear to be unsafe will no longer work. See the wiki page [1] or
> slides from a recent presentation [2] for more info.
> [1] :
> [2] :
> I am writing because it's unclear what the *default* role should be --
> that is, should GND be allowed by default? Examples follow, but the
> critical issue is this:
> * If we allow GND by default anywhere it is type-safe, datatypes (even
> those that don't export constructors) will not be abstract by default.
> Library writers would have to use a role annotation everywhere they wish
> to declare a datatype they do not want users to be able to inspect.
> (Roles still keep type-*un*safe GND from happening.)
> * If we disallow GND by default, then perhaps lots of current uses of
> GND will break. Library writers will have to explicitly declare when
> they wish to permit GND involving a datatype.
> Which do we think is better?
> Examples: The chief example demonstrating the problem is (a hypothetical
> implementation of) Set:
>> module Set (Set) where   -- note: no constructors exported!
>> data Set a = MkSet [a]
>> insert :: Ord a => a -> Set a -> Set a
>> ...
>> {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, StandaloneDeriving #-}
>> module Client where
>> import Set
>> newtype Age = MkAge Int deriving Eq
>> instance Ord Age where
>>   (MkAge a) `compare` (MkAge b) = b `compare` a   -- flip operands,
> reversing the order
>> class HasSet a where
>>   getSet :: Set a
>> instance HasSet Int where
>>   getSet = insert 2 (insert 5 empty)
>> deriving instance HasSet Age
>> good :: Set Int
>> good = getSet
>> bad :: Set Age
>> bad = getSet
> According to the way GND works, `good` and `bad` will have the same
> runtime representation. But, using Set operations on `bad` would indeed
> be bad -- because the Ord instance for Age is different than that for
> Int, Set operations will fail unexpectedly on `bad`. The problem is that
> Set should really be abstract, but we've been able to break this
> abstraction with GND. Note that there is no type error in these
> operations, just wrong behavior.
> So, if we default to *no* GND, then the "deriving" line above would have
> an error and this problem wouldn't happen. If we default to *allowing*
> GND, then the writer of Set would have to include
>> type role Set nominal
> in the definition of the Set module to prevent the use of GND. (Why that
> peculiar annotation? See the linked further reading, above.)
> Although it doesn't figure in this example, a library writer who wishes
> to allow GND in the default-no scenario would need a similar annotation
>> type role Foo representational
> to allow it.
> There are clearly reasons for and against either decision, but which is
> better? Let the users decide!
> Discussion time: 2 weeks.
> Thanks!
> Richard
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