
On 15 Jan 2024 at 18:07:08, Andy Smith via GLLUG wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, Jan 14, 2024 at 06:06:56PM +0000, Marco van Beek via GLLUG wrote:
> > So looking at this, and Andy's email with what he sees, it looks like his
> > British Gas emails are coming from a different place to yours. His are
> > coming from SalesForce, and yours are coming from Mail Jet, so I don't think
> > we can draw much from that.
> I should maybe have gone a bit further back, as those last two
> emails were both about the upcoming changes to the price cap, so
> conceivably might have been sent from a different system than, say,
> an account statement.
> I shall have a look when I'm not camped out on a datacentre floor…

Side note, almost unrelated.

In a personal/family server I have a nightly script that sends me which
emails have been rejected by the server. Why? Postfix, in my
configuration, rejects some emails. For example, from the Birmingham
Zoo, bto.org, etc. so I get an email in the morning with the rejections
of the day before and if I want to I add them in sender_access. In 1.5
years I have 14 domains there.

When time allows, I will add the DKIM rejections as well, based on your
case. Just in case. So thanks for sharing. I wonder if DKIM is rejecting
some "legit" (or "expected") email.


Carles Pina i Estany

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