On Sun, Jan 14, 2024 at 06:06:56PM +0000, Marco van Beek via GLLUG wrote:


So looking at this, and Andy's email with what he sees, it looks like his British Gas emails are coming from a different place to yours. His are coming from SalesForce, and yours are coming from Mail Jet, so I don't think we can draw much from that.

I think the next thing to look at is maybe this is an SSL issue, so I found thse:

Good find, very odd issue. Can try if that helps, I might have to contact BG to 
find out what they are emailing me and how frequent, to verify if it works.

That would indicate a possible issue within some Intel Goldmont processors, and can be fixed with telling OpenSSL not to use the hardware for this

This is running on a nanode though, and I am getting:

vendor_id : AuthenticAMD
Henrik Morsing

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