Le Thu, 14 Jul 2011 06:35:34 +0200
Damien Touraine <damien.toura...@limsi.fr> a écrit:

>On 07/13/11 17:01, Walid nouh wrote:
>> On 13/07/2011 15:59, Damien Touraine wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> On 07/13/11 15:40, Walid nouh wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I just applied the patch, and it's looks really interesting.
>>>> Thanks a lot !
>>>> On the plugin side, it's going to affect several of them :
>>>> - fusioninventory : I let David reply, but this is more or less
>>>> the same work as for OCS
>>> The plugin also modify the ocsserver class to integrate the OCS
>>> mass import plugin withiout problem. But OCS seems to have some
>>> lacks (ie : a network card that have several IP is seen as several
>>> different cards ...). So I will try to modify the patch regarding
>>> fusioninventory
>> Maybe we could improve the FusionInventory agent to collect more
>> data the future. As soon as all theses informations are available in
>> GLPI, it makes more sense.
>> I know that getting IPv6 informations is something that matters for 
>> the FusionInventory project for example.
>As soon as I finish the "job" on GLPI, I plan to work on fusion

Humm, it's interessing.

With integration with Fusion, I will see for modifications (I must
create in first branch for 2.5.0, version for GLPI 0.83). Impact
computer inventory but switch and printers too. 

Happy to see that ;)


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