
I don't know why my writes are so slow compared to reads. Let me know
if you're able to get better write speeds with the newer version of
gluster and any of the configurations (if they apply) that I've
posted. It might compel me to upgrade.

From your documentation of nfsspeedtest, I see that the reads can happen either via dd or via perl's sysread. I'm not sure if one is better over the other.

Secondly - Are you doing direct IO on the backend XFS ? If not, try it with direct IO so that you are not misled by the memory situation in the system at the time of your test. It will give a clearer picture of what your backend is capable of.

Your test is such that you write a file and immediately read the same file back. It is possible that a good chunk of it is cached on the backend. After the write, do a flush of the filesystem caches by using:
echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches. Sleep for a while. Then do the read.
Or as suggested earlier, resort to direct IO while testing the backend FS.

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