You can set the timeout with:

$ gluster volume set <volname> <N>

I don't usually set it to anything under 20. 


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Greg Scott" <>
> To: "Joe Julian" <>
> Cc: "" <>
> Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 1:00:50 AM
> Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] One node goes offline, the other node can't see 
> the replicated volume anymore
> Still not out of the woods. I can get everything mounted on both nodes with
> my systemd service hack. But now I’m back to the original problem. Well,
> sort of. Here is the scenario.
> My Gluster volume named /firewall-scripts is mounted on both fw1 and fw2.
> Trying to simulate a cable issue, on fw1, I do:
> ifdown enp5s4
> And now all access to my /firewall-scripts volume on fw1 goes away. Fw2 can
> see it after more than the mystical 42 seconds. When I do
> ifup enp4s4
> I still can’t see my /firewall-scripts volume on fw1 and it is no longer
> mounted. Not quite one minute later, my volume is mounted again and life
> goes on.
> If that 42 second timeout is settable, how do I set it for a better number
> for my application? The Gluster/Heartbeat network in this case will just be
> a cable connecting the two nodes.
> Thanks
> - Greg
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