Hi Jake,

If you wane have a 200GB replicated volume. You will need something like this.

or 2 Peers with each 1 disk or partition of 200GB for glusterfs
or 2 Peers with each 2 disk or partitions of 100GB for gluster
or 4 Peers with each 1 disk or partition of 100GB for glusterfs

The thing is, when you wane have some form of redundancy, you have to replicate 
to data also to a other brick on a other Peer. 
Never replicate to a brick on the same Peer!

Grtz, Jiri

On Sep 19, 2013, at 11:25 AM, "Jake G." <dj_dark_jungl...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Does this mean I need 4 host servers (peers) to do this?
> or
> Do I could I create 4 bricks within the single distributed volume?
> I am really confused (X_X)
> From: Athanasios Kostopoulos <athanasios.kostopou...@classmarkets.com>
> To: Jake G. <dj_dark_jungl...@yahoo.com> 
> Cc: "gluster-users@gluster.org" <gluster-users@gluster.org> 
> Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 6:07 PM
> Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] Volume Types?
> Hi Jake,
> glusterFS newbie here so take my email with a big grain of salt.
> I *think* that in order to have 200Gb available AND replication (assuming a 
> replicating factor of 2) you need 4 bricks of 100Gb, not just 2. 
> On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 11:06 AM, Jake G. <dj_dark_jungl...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Wondering if it is possible to create a duplicated and distributed volume in 
> gluster?
> I have two host servers both with 100GB partition for gluster.
> After creating the volume I would like there to be 200GB available, but if 
> serverA dies all the files will be still be present on serverB
> Is this even possible? If so can it be done with only two host servers?
> Thank you!
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