 From: Rejy M Cyriac <rcyr...@redhat.com>
To: gluster-users@gluster.org 
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] Volume Types?

On 09/19/2013 02:55 PM, Jake G. wrote:
> Does this mean I need 4 host servers (peers) to do this?
> or
> Do I could I create 4 bricks within the single distributed volume?
> I am really confused (X_X)

You would need 4 bricks of 100GB, 2 on each server, and create a
distribute-replicate volume, with replica count of 2.

The command to be run would be of the syntax given below.

gluster volume create <VOL-NAME> replica 2 server1:/bricks/brick1
server2:/bricks/brick1 server1:/bricks/brick2 server1:/bricks/brick2

The order in which the bricks are given in the command is important to
specify which bricks form replica sets.

Since the replica count given in the above example is 2,
server1:/bricks/brick1 - server2:/bricks/brick1 will be a replica set,
and server1:/bricks/brick2 - server1:/bricks/brick2 will the other
replica set.

- rejy (rmc)

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Athanasios Kostopoulos <athanasios.kostopou...@classmarkets.com>
> *To:* Jake G. <dj_dark_jungl...@yahoo.com>
> *Cc:* "gluster-users@gluster.org" <gluster-users@gluster.org>
> *Sent:* Thursday, September 19, 2013 6:07 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Gluster-users] Volume Types?
> Hi Jake,
> glusterFS newbie here so take my email with a big grain of salt.
> I *think* that in order to have 200Gb available AND replication
> (assuming a replicating factor of 2) you need 4 bricks of 100Gb, not
> just 2. 
> On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 11:06 AM, Jake G. <dj_dark_jungl...@yahoo.com
> <mailto:dj_dark_jungl...@yahoo.com>> wrote:
>     Hi All,
>     Wondering if it is possible to create a duplicated and distributed
>     volume in gluster?
>     I have two host servers both with 100GB partition for gluster.
>     After creating the volume I would like there to be 200GB available,
>     but if serverA dies all the files will be still be present on serverB
>     Is this even possible? If so can it be done with only two host servers?
>     Thank you!
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Thank you for your help!
I would like to confirm the command you gave. Should:
gluster volume create <VOL-NAME> replica 2 server1:/bricks/brick1 
server2:/bricks/brick1 server1:/bricks/brick2 server1:/bricks/brick2

gluster volume create <VOL-NAME> replica 2 server1:/bricks/brick1 
server2:/bricks/brick1 server1:/bricks/brick2 server2:/bricks/brick2
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