I tried Claudio's advice by renaming /etc/rc2.d/S12glusterfs-server to 
/etc/rc2.d/S99glusterfs-server but it did not change anything. It looks like 
that even at the S99 stage the network is just not ready by something like 1 
second (based on the log files of gluster and my switch).
Any other ideas? 

     On Tuesday, March 3, 2015 2:05 PM, Claudio Kuenzler 
<c...@claudiokuenzler.com> wrote:

 So that would sound like the boot order is messed up. Sounds a bit like this: 
As I said before, I also run glusterfs 3.5.2 on Debian Wheezy and I don't have 
issues after a reboot. But unfortunately I don't remember if I had to manually 
adapt something like the boot order of the init scripts). 

You can try and make your gluster scripts run at the very end of the boot 
process and see if that helps.

On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 1:56 PM, ML mail <mlnos...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Yes dig and ping works fine. I used first the short hostname gfs1 and then I 
also tried gfs1.intra.domain.com. That did not change anything.

 Currently for testing I only have a single node setup so my "gluster peer 
status" output would be empty.
Now I had a closed look at the brick logfile and it looks like my network is 
not read at the time glusterfsd kicks in. I can see 
the following entry:
[2015-03-03 13:45:48.647981] E [name.c:249:af_inet_client_get_remote_sockaddr] 
0-glusterfs: DNS resolution failed on host gfs1.intra.domain.com
happening at exactly 13:45:48 but on my Cisco Switch I can see the following 
log entry:
Mar  3 13:45:51: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface 
GigabitEthernet0/9, changed state to up
So as you see my switch's port is only ready 3 seconds later at: 13:45:51, 
which is too late for glusterfsd. Strangely enough I use "spanning-tree 
portfast" on all my ports and as such the switch ports are ready as soon as 
possible. I have the feeling here that there is an issue with the 
/etc/init.d/glusterfs-server script on Debian wheezy from the glusterfs-server 
package. Can anyone confirm and maybe fix this for the future?

     On Tuesday, March 3, 2015 12:57 PM, Claudio Kuenzler 
<c...@claudiokuenzler.com> wrote:

 Can you resolve the other gluster peers with "dig"?
Are you able to "ping" the other peers, too?

On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 12:38 PM, ML mail <mlnos...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Well the weird thing is that my DNS resolver servers are configured correctly 
and working fine. Here below is the exact error message from the brick log file:

[2015-03-03 11:34:21.731639] E [common-utils.c:223:gf_resolve_ip6] 0-resolver: 
getaddrinfo failed (Name or service not known)
[2015-03-03 11:34:21.731654] E [name.c:249:af_inet_client_get_remote_sockaddr] 
0-glusterfs: DNS resolution failed on host gfs1.intra.domain.com
[2015-03-03 11:34:21.731707] E [glusterfsd-mgmt.c:1601:mgmt_rpc_notify] 
0-glusterfsd-mgmt: failed to connect with remote-host: gfs1.intra.domain.com 
[2015-03-03 11:34:21.731724] I [glusterfsd-mgmt.c:1607:mgmt_rpc_notify] 
0-glusterfsd-mgmt: Exhausted all volfile servers

I checked in my /etc/hosts file and I have the following entry:       gfs1.intra.domain.com   gfs1a

This is Debian's default and did not touch the hosts file. I also tried to 
remove this but nothing changed.

On Tuesday, March 3, 2015 10:33 AM, Claudio Kuenzler <c...@claudiokuenzler.com> 

Hi ML,

Here's what I have noted down in my personal documentation when I installed 
GlusterFS the first time in 2013 (also on Debian Wheezy with 3.5.2):

"All cluster nodes MUST resolve each other through DNS (preferred) or 
An entry in /etc/hosts is probably even more safe because you don't depend on 
external DNS resolvers.

On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 8:43 AM, ML mail <mlnos...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>Is it required to have the GlusterFS servers in /etc/hosts for the gluster 
>servers themselves? I read many tutorials where people always add an entry in 
>their /etc/hosts file.
>I am asking because my issue is that my volumes, or more precisely glusterfsd, 
>are not starting at system boot. The brick log shows that the hostname of the 
>server could not be resolved but I have an entry in my DNS server and my 
>/etc/resolv.conf is configured correctly.
>I am using Debian Wheezy with GlusterFS 3.5.2.
>Best regards
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