Hello All,

Forgive the duplicate but I forgot to give the first post a title so this
corrects that.  Anyway, I recently discovered the new arbiter functionality
of the 3.7 branch so I decided to give it a try.  First off, I too am
looking forward to the ability to add an arbiter to an already existing
volume as discussed in the following thread:

However, my first question for now is can someone perhaps go into a bit of
detail regarding the difference between using this new arbiter
functionality versus adding a dummy node with regards to helping to
eliminate split-brain?  In other words, a bit of information on which is
best and why?

Second, I noticed at the following URL where is discusses this new
functionality it says, and I quote "*By default, client quorum
(cluster.quorum-type) is set to auto . . ."* which I found to be a bit
confusing.  After setting up my new cluster I noticed that none of the
quorum settings including cluster.quorum-type seem to have a setting?

Arbiter Link

Thank you.
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