Two proposals, both pretty developer-focused.

(1) Gluster: The Ugly Parts
Like any code base its size and age, Gluster has accumulated its share of dead, 
redundant, or simply inelegant code.  This code makes us more vulnerable to 
bugs, and slows our entire development process for any feature.  In this 
interactive discussion, we'll identify translators or other modules that can be 
removed or significantly streamlined, and develop a plan for doing so within 
the next year or so.  Bring your favorite gripes and pet peeves (about the 

(2) Gluster Debugging
Every developer has their own "bag of tricks" for debugging Gluster code - 
things to look for in logs, options to turn on, obscure test-script features, 
gdb macros, and so on.  In this session we'll share many of these tricks, and 
hopefully collect more, along with a plan to document them so that newcomers 
can get up to speed more quickly.

I could extend #2 to cover more user/support level problem diagnosis, but I 
think I'd need a co-presenter for that because it's not an area in which I feel 
like an expert myself.
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