Do check this doc:

In particular, the bit regarding xattr=sa. In the past, Gluster would cause extremely poor performance on zfs datasets without this option set. I'm not sure if this is still the case.

- Dave

On 2019-04-16 15:09, Cody Hill wrote:
Hey folks.

I’m looking to deploy GlusterFS to host some VMs. I’ve done a lot of
reading and would like to implement Deduplication and Compression in
this setup. My thought would be to run ZFS to handle the Compression
and Deduplication.

ZFS would give me the following benefits:
1. If a single disk fails rebuilds happen locally instead of over the network
2. Zil & L2Arc should add a slight performance increase
3. Deduplication and Compression are inline and have pretty good
performance with modern hardware (Intel Skylake)
4. Automated Snapshotting

I can then layer GlusterFS on top to handle distribution to allow 3x
Replicas of my storage.
My question is… Why aren’t more people doing this? Is this a horrible
idea for some reason that I’m missing? I’d be very interested to hear
your thoughts.

Additional thoughts:
I’d like to use Ganesha pNFS to connect to this storage. (Any issues here?)
I think I’d need KeepAliveD across these 3x nodes to store in the
FSTAB (Is this correct?)
I’m also thinking about creating a “Gluster Tier” of 512GB of Intel
Optane DIMM to really smooth out write latencies… Any issues here?

Thank you,
Cody Hill

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