i found out the residues which form H bond but am still not able to get life 
time if H bond. The option -lifetime gives t as x and p(t) as y axis. is this 
value for all the bonds. 
How can i see the lifetime of each bond?
Thanking you
pragya chohan
> Date: Sat, 3 May 2008 02:06:52 +0200> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
> gmx-users@gromacs.org> Subject: Re: [gmx-users] using xmp file> > Mark 
> Abraham wrote:> > pragya chohan wrote:> >> Dear users> >> > >> I wasted to 
> look at H bonding between between a particular residue> >> and rest of the 
> system. So I did g_hbond. It created a number of> >> files I want to make a 
> table indicating atom of residue> >> participating, atom or residue number of 
> Donor atom, lifetime of> >> those bonds to show their significance.> >> > >> 
> Can you tell me which files are useful for this purpose? > >> > Yes, but 
> first you should be reading "g_hbond -h" and working some> > things out for 
> yourself.> >> >> Also please tell me how to visualise xmp files on windows>> 
> >> > Google is probably your friend for finding out about viewers for *xpm*> 
> > files. The GIMP will certainly work, but it's a heavyweight solution!> >> 
> Perhaps the xpm2ps tool will also help to view a ps document, which> should 
> be possible with windows ;)> > > > Mark> > 
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