Dear Sir/Madam,

    I wish to calculate the density profile of a DMPC lipid bilayer i.e
    the electron density and for this I am using the g_density command:

    g_density -f final.trr -s final.tpr -ei electrons.dat -o density.xvg
    -ed -symm
    where electrons.dat contains # of electrons  for each and every
    atomtype defined in the system. *However it reports electron density
    for 50slices (setup by -sl) which ranges from 0 to 60. while I want
    it to vary from, -30 to +30. *

The system is periodic, so you can happily subtract 30 from all the Z values in the output yourself.

    I read from literature that i have to shift the z values with half
of my box size.
    However, I have used trjconv to center the bilayer inside the box
    by the command,
    trjconv -f traj.trr -pbc nojump -o traj1.trr -s traj.tpr
    trjconv -f traj1.trr -s traj.tpr -pbc whole -center rect -o
and then used the g_density over the centeredtraj.trr
    but the problem is again the g_density is calculating the electron
    density over the 50slices, that means no improvement.

Well you can be more confident that the middle Z value is the middle of your bilayer, so that is an improvement.

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