?????? wrote:
HI all:

I want to run a simulation with  heme group(cytochrome p450). i have made a 3-d 
structure model for a cytochrome p450 .I use the ffG43a1 force field,someone 
told me that i need both suitable parameters for your desired force field, and 
then to construct a correct topology. I read lots of papers,but most of them 
used amber force field.Befor runing the gromacs molecular simulation,i define 
the heme group as a new residue in the .rtp files,following the required 
formats(atoms,bonds exclusions,angles,impropers,dihedrals)and then define a new 
FE-S bong.

i run the simulation like this:

pdb2gmx -ignh -ff G43a1 -f CYP2W1_CYSHEME.pdb -o new1.pdb -p new1.top -water spce editconf -bt cubic -f new1.pdb -o new2.pdb -d 0.9 genbox -cp new2.pdb -cs spc216.gro -o new3.pdb -p new1.top grompp -f em.mdp -c new3.pdb -p new1.top -o em.tpr genion -s em.tpr -o new5.pdb -nname CL- -nn 1 -g ion.log; Edit top file, delette em.tpr grompp -f em.mdp -c new5.pdb -p new1.top -o em.tpr mdrun -s em.tpr -o em.trr -c new7.pdb -g em.log -e em.edr grompp -f pr.mdp -c new7.pdb -p new1.top -o pr.tpr mdrun -s pr.tpr -o pr.trr -c new9.mdp -e pr.edr -g pr.log
 1 i run pdb2gmx and get the new1.pdb ,when checking the pdb with accelrys ds 
visualizer or sybyl,the atom FE was recognized as F (Fluorine)and the pdb miss the 
bonds between FE-S &FE-N,i add or delete a blank space befor or after the FE in the 
pdb file,it was read as iron(FE) again but still missing;when checking the .top 
file,there was a FE (both atom name and type)and formed the FE-S & FE-N bonds.

Visualization programs have to use heuristics to guess where bonds are and what names occur for which atoms (HG1 might be mercury or the first hydrogen on a gamma carbon, NE might be neon or an epsilon nitrogen, etc.). Only if you are able to read in a .tpr (such as with ngmx distributed inside GROMACS) can you get any visual confirmation of what GROMACS thinks you have described in your topology. There is no standardized widely-used mechanism for including such information in a PDB file, and so such usage of a file is unreliable.

if i ignore the above things,go on the command ,when runing the em.mdp there is a 
tip that Steepest Descents failed converged to Fmax < 1000 in 5001 steps.when 
run the pr.tpr,a error emerged as segment fatal error??

Read the .log files as well. GROMACS almost never segfaults (except when subjected to buggy MPI libraries), and when it does it will normally write some diagnostic information to stdout or the .log file.

2 someone told me that i need both suitable parameters for your desired force 
field, and then to construct a correct topology. I read lots of papers,but most 
of them used amber force field.Does anyone known a paper with a gromacs force 
field for HEME group?

Sorry, I can't help there.

please help me how handle those problems,how can i go on the simulation?

the HEME-cysteine parameter in the rtp files,define themas a new residue.(is 
there any problems?)

Look at the results in ngmx to get started. Try generating a structure for some minimalist version of the heme group and get EM and MD to work on that first. If you reduce the complexity, you can eliminate potential sources of problems until you find the source.


[ HEME ] [ atoms ] N N -0.28000 0 H H 0.28000 0 CA CH1 0.00000 1 CB CH2 -0.10000 2 SG S -0.40000 2 C C 0.38000 3 O O -0.38000 3 FE FE 0.84700 4 NA NR -0.37000 4 NB NR -0.42300 4 NC NR -0.50400 4 ........ [ bonds ] N H gb_2 N CA gb_20 CA C gb_26 C O gb_4 C +N gb_9 CA CB gb_26 CB SG gb_30 SG FE gb_48 FE NA gb_34 FE NB gb_34 FE NC gb_34 FE ND gb_34 ......... [ angles ] ; ai aj ak gromos type -C N H ga_31 H N CA ga_17 -C N CA ga_30 N CA C ga_12 CA C +N ga_18 CA C O ga_29 ....... [ impropers ] ; ai aj ak al gromos type N -C CA H gi_1 C CA +N O gi_1 CA N C CB gi_2 FE SG NA ND gi_3 FE SG NA NB gi_3 FE SG NB NC gi_3 FE SG NC ND gi_3 ......... [ dihedrals ] ; ai aj ak al gromos type




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