
With only 1 pull dimension active (through pull_dims) all three geometries are 
In 2 or 3D there are all different.

With pull_geometry=direction the pull force is the force working along the 
direction vector.
So in general you can't incorporate the direction (only sign in your case) into 
the force,
unless you would print the whole vector.


> Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 12:12:49 -0500
> From: chris.ne...@utoronto.ca
> To: gmx-users@gromacs.org
> Subject: [gmx-users] pull code with defined negative relative displacements
> Hi Berk,
> I have done the tests and you are entirely correct. I have one further  
> question: If I simply want to pull to a relative displacement of -1.0  
> nm, is there any reason to prefer one of these methods, or are they  
> just overlapping implementations of different methods that also have  
> unique abilities given other settings?
> To summarize my tests, pull_geometry=direction can indeed pull to negative  
> displacements and there is no bimodal behaviour. My misunderstanding  
> derived from the fact that
> pull_geometry            = direction
> pull_init1               = 1.0
> pull_vec1                = 0 0 1
> gave the forces as I expected them, while
> pull_vec1                = 0 0 -1
> reports the negative of the force that I expected. Since the force as  
> output is probably applied after multiplication by pull_vec1, it might  
> be more intuitive to simply output the force after it is multiplied by  
> pull_vec1 such that what is output is the actual applied force. But  
> then again there are probably some good reasons why it is output the  
> way that it is.
> I have included probability distribution plots for the sampling along z for 
> the tests below at:
> http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb192/chrisneale_2007/X10.png  (1.0 nm 
> displacement test)
> http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb192/chrisneale_2007/X005.png  (0.05 nm 
> displacement test)
> http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb192/chrisneale_2007/X35.png  (3.5 nm 
> displacement test)
> Thank you for all of your assistance,
> Chris.
> #####################
> Summary for attempts to pull to -1.0:
> ### Pulls to -1
> pull_geometry            = position
> pull_init1               = 0 0 -1
> pull_vec1                = 0 0 0
> pull_geometry            = direction
> pull_init1               = -1.0
> pull_vec1                = 0 0 1
> pull_geometry            = direction
> pull_init1               = 1.0
> pull_vec1                = 0 0 -1
> ### Pulls to +1
> pull_geometry            = direction
> pull_init1               = 1.0
> pull_vec1                = 0 0 1
> #####################
> Detailed results:
> pull_geometry            = position
> pull_init1               = 0 0 -1
> pull_vec1                = 0 0 0
> $ tail coord.xvg
> 98.2000       5.03064 -0.96114
> 98.4000       5.02906 -0.968864
> 98.6000       5.02755 -1.0196
> 98.8000       5.02577 -0.971355
> 99.0000       5.02408 -0.948518
> 99.2000       5.02289 -0.973627
> 99.4000       5.0227  -0.977471
> 99.6000       5.02293 -0.965711
> 99.8000       5.0242  -1.01475
> 100.0000      5.0251  -1.03216
> $ tail force.xvg
> 98.2000       -19.4299
> 98.4000       -15.568
> 98.6000       9.8014
> 98.8000       -14.3227
> 99.0000       -25.741
> 99.2000       -13.1865
> 99.4000       -11.2644
> 99.6000       -17.1443
> 99.8000       7.37747
> 100.0000      16.0813
> ########################################
> pull_geometry            = direction
> pull_init1               = 1.0
> pull_vec1                = 0 0 1
> $ tail coord.xvg
> 98.2000       5.06691 1.09005
> 98.4000       5.06773 1.04829
> 98.6000       5.06842 1.02481
> 98.8000       5.06934 1.02874
> 99.0000       5.07061 0.995157
> 99.2000       5.07164 0.990872
> 99.4000       5.07205 1.00651
> 99.6000       5.07256 1.02346
> 99.8000       5.07107 0.986439
> 100.0000      5.06931 1.03009
> $ tail force.xvg
> 98.2000       -45.0273
> 98.4000       -24.1432
> 98.6000       -12.4043
> 98.8000       -14.3716
> 99.0000       2.42147
> 99.2000       4.56404
> 99.4000       -3.25742
> 99.6000       -11.7324
> 99.8000       6.78027
> 100.0000      -15.0443
> ### where it does start at -1.0
> $ grep -v '[#|@]' coord.xvg |head
> 0.0000        5.05992 -1.09968
> 0.2000        5.05948 -0.473992
> 0.4000        5.05982 0.43101
> 0.6000        5.06017 0.77986
> 0.8000        5.0609  0.78875
> 1.0000        5.06113 0.75552
> 1.2000        5.06151 0.750633
> 1.4000        5.06086 0.79958
> 1.6000        5.05976 0.821069
> 1.8000        5.05811 0.950296
> ###############################
> pull_geometry            = direction
> pull_init1               = -1.0
> pull_vec1                = 0 0 1
> $ tail -n 30 coord.xvg|head -n 10
> 94.2000       5.04636 -1.00959
> 94.4000       5.04605 -1.09414
> 94.6000       5.04503 -1.09134
> 94.8000       5.0431  -1.10409
> 95.0000       5.04174 -1.05292
> 95.2000       5.04012 -1.03421
> 95.4000       5.03944 -1.05723
> 95.6000       5.03981 -1.00803
> 95.8000       5.04072 -1.01506
> 96.0000       5.04055 -0.980655
> $ tail -n 30 force.xvg|head -n 10
> 94.2000       4.79288
> 94.4000       47.0722
> 94.6000       45.6695
> 94.8000       52.0426
> 95.0000       26.4623
> 95.2000       17.107
> 95.4000       28.6127
> 95.6000       4.0165
> 95.8000       7.52866
> 96.0000       -9.67265
> ###############################
> pull_geometry            = direction
> pull_init1               = 1.0
> pull_vec1                = 0 0 -1
> $ tail coord.xvg
> 98.2000       5.01781 -1.04195
> 98.4000       5.01766 -0.988034
> 98.6000       5.01789 -0.963644
> 98.8000       5.0185  -0.980899
> 99.0000       5.01958 -0.917222
> 99.2000       5.021   -1.00548
> 99.4000       5.02016 -0.970434
> 99.6000       5.01848 -1.01137
> 99.8000       5.01723 -0.950541
> 100.0000      5.01743 -1.01916
> $ tail force.xvg
> 98.2000       -20.9744
> 98.4000       5.98316
> 98.6000       18.1779
> 98.8000       9.55039
> 99.0000       41.3892
> 99.2000       -2.73847
> 99.4000       14.7832
> 99.6000       -5.68352
> 99.8000       24.7297
> 100.0000      -9.58189
> #####################
> #####################
> #####################
> #####################
> Summary for attempts to pull to -0.1:
> ### Pulls to -0.1
> pull_geometry            = position
> pull_init1               = 0 0 -0.1
> pull_vec1                = 0 0 0
> pull_geometry            = direction
> pull_init1               = -0.1
> pull_vec1                = 0 0 1
> pull_geometry            = direction
> pull_init1               = 0.1
> pull_vec1                = 0 0 -1
> ### Pulls to +0.1
> pull_geometry            = direction
> pull_init1               = 0.1
> pull_vec1                = 0 0 1
> #####################
> Detailed results:
> pull_geometry            = position
> pull_init1               = 0 0 -0.1
> pull_vec1                = 0 0 0
> $ tail coord.xvg
> 98.2000       5.05551 -0.0467954
> 98.4000       5.05655 -0.0756043
> 98.6000       5.05742 -0.132113
> 98.8000       5.05886 -0.182411
> 99.0000       5.05929 -0.148237
> 99.2000       5.05957 -0.0355667
> 99.4000       5.06157 0.00486353
> 99.6000       5.06353 0.0215776
> 99.8000       5.06373 -0.0272107
> 100.0000      5.06301 -0.157927
> $ tail force.xvg
> 98.2000       -26.6023
> 98.4000       -12.1979
> 98.6000       16.0563
> 98.8000       41.2056
> 99.0000       24.1184
> 99.2000       -32.2166
> 99.4000       -52.4318
> 99.6000       -60.7888
> 99.8000       -36.3946
> 100.0000      28.9634
> ########################################
> pull_geometry            = direction
> pull_init1               = 0.1
> pull_vec1                = 0 0 1
> $ tail coord.xvg
> 98.2000       5.03896 -0.0415608
> 98.4000       5.03914 -0.0285805
> 98.6000       5.03966 0.0746529
> 98.8000       5.03966 0.22066
> 99.0000       5.04063 0.254914
> 99.2000       5.04097 0.0771699
> 99.4000       5.03999 -0.0702654
> 99.6000       5.04055 -0.0993152
> 99.8000       5.04165 0.0109239
> 100.0000      5.04156 0.158978
> $ tail force.xvg
> 98.2000       70.7804
> 98.4000       64.2902
> 98.6000       12.6735
> 98.8000       -60.3298
> 99.0000       -77.457
> 99.2000       11.415
> 99.4000       85.1327
> 99.6000       99.6576
> 99.8000       44.5381
> 100.0000      -29.4892
> ########################################
> pull_geometry            = direction
> pull_init1               = -0.1
> pull_vec1                = 0 0 1
> $ tail coord.xvg
> 98.2000       5.02845 -0.0551189
> 98.4000       5.02783 -0.0799781
> 98.6000       5.0266  -0.145213
> 98.8000       5.02534 -0.112499
> 99.0000       5.02392 -0.06543
> 99.2000       5.02339 -0.0648827
> 99.4000       5.02286 -0.130913
> 99.6000       5.02251 -0.196036
> 99.8000       5.02211 -0.190228
> 100.0000      5.02168 -0.216231
> $ tail force.xvg
> 98.2000       -22.4406
> 98.4000       -10.0109
> 98.6000       22.6063
> 98.8000       6.24961
> 99.0000       -17.285
> 99.2000       -17.5586
> 99.4000       15.4567
> 99.6000       48.0178
> 99.8000       45.1138
> 100.0000      58.1155
> ###############################
> pull_geometry            = direction
> pull_init1               = 0.1
> pull_vec1                = 0 0 -1
> $ tail coord.xvg
> 98.2000       5.05883 -0.110131
> 98.4000       5.05931 -0.156342
> 98.6000       5.0597  -0.143227
> 98.8000       5.05965 -0.13037
> 99.0000       5.05919 -0.0630012
> 99.2000       5.06013 -0.0468867
> 99.4000       5.06169 -0.1017
> 99.6000       5.06282 -0.205357
> 99.8000       5.06437 -0.194031
> 100.0000      5.06543 -0.139003
> $ tail force.xvg
> 98.2000       -5.0653
> 98.4000       -28.1712
> 98.6000       -21.6133
> 98.8000       -15.1848
> 99.0000       18.4994
> 99.2000       26.5566
> 99.4000       -0.850237
> 99.6000       -52.6784
> 99.8000       -47.0155
> 100.0000      -19.5014
> -- 
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