Gavin Melaugh wrote:
Having tried to run grompp using the data below I keep getting the
following error
Fatal error:
Unknown vsiten type 7
Does anyone know why this might be?

Your [virtual_sites] directive is not correct, either in its name (no such thing as "virtual_sitesn" - the "n" should be replaced by a digit indicating the type) or in the contents. See manual section 5.2.2.



Gavin Melaugh wrote:

I am trying to alter a topology to include 3 virtual sites and I have a
few queries, the answers to which are not obvious form the manual.
Do I declare the virtual sites in the atomtypes directive like so

;type mass charge ptype sigma(nm) epsilon(kjmol-1)
   CB     12.011000      0.000000       A      0.355000      0.292880
   CA     12.011000     -0.115000       A      0.355000      0.292880
VS1 0.0 0.0 V 0.0 0.0 VS2 0.0 0.0 V 0.0 0.0 VS3 0.0 0.0 V 0.0 0.0

Do I give them an index number in the atoms directive e.g.

; atomnr  type   resnr  residue   name    cgnr     charge     mass
    1      CA       1   CGE        CA       1     -0.1150     12.0110
    2      CB       1   CGE        CB       1      0.0000     12.0110
    3      CA       1   CGE        CA       2     -0.1150     12.0110
    4      CB       1   CGE        CB       2      0.0000     12.0110
    5      CA       1   CGE        CA       3     -0.1150     12.0110
  229      VS1      2   VIR        VS1     85      0.0000      0.0000
  230      VS2      3   VIR        VS2     86      0.0000      0.0000
  231      VS3      4   VIR        VS3     87      0.0000      0.0000

Then if I want to set up a virtual site between the COG of 3 atoms do I
do it in the following way

;site COG of three hydrogens at window
;site  i     j    k    func
229    7    40   58    1
230   10    25   55    1
231   28    37   52    1



Gavin Melaugh wrote:
Hi Sikandar

A couple of questions regarding the virtual sites.
1) Do I have to number the virtual site in accordance with the atom
indices of the rest of the molecule?
2) Is the parameters for the virtual site declared in the atomtypes



Sikandar Mashayak wrote:
 in doing so .. by default all pair interactions with virtual sites
would result in zero forces except those between atoms defined in

On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Sikandar Mashayak
< <>> wrote:


    another approach to do this without using energy group exclusion
    is to define non-bonded interactions parameter explicitly between
    atoms in ffnonbonded.itp file. You can specify sigma and epsilon
    to be zero in virtual sites atoms definition and specify
    individual pair interactions parameters using non-bonded
    interactions like following ...

    ; virtual site
    VS1     0        0              0       D       0               0
    VS2      0        0              0       D       0               0
    VS3     0        0              0       D       0               0

    [ nonbond_params ]
    VS1     C     1       1.0             0.25
    VS2     C     1       1.0             0.25
    VS2     C     1       1.0             0.25


    On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 11:47 AM, Gavin Melaugh
    < <>> wrote:

        Hi Justin

        I do not intend to have charges on the sites. All I want is;
        when a CH3 group gets close to the site it feels a repulsive
        force. I
        have calculated a sigma and epsilon value for this interaction.


        Justin A. Lemkul wrote:
        > Gavin Melaugh wrote:
        >> Hi Justin
        >> I am reading the manual at the moment. I want to include
        some virtual
        >> sites in my molecule so that only surrounding CH3s atom
        type C3 interact
        >> with then. All other atoms I don't want to interact with
        them. Do I
        >> create energy groups in the index file called say "virtual
        sites" and
        >> "exclusions", and list all the indices of the atom types
        that I don't
        >> want to interact with the virtual site in one group and all
        the virtual
        >> sites in another.
        >> e.g
        >> [virtual sites]
        >> 17 18 19 20
        >> [virtsite_exclus]
        >> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .....
        > In a general sense, yes, that's the right approach.  Note
        that if any
        > of these sites is charged and/or you're using PME, then this
        > exclusion thing goes out the window, as has been discussed
        > times in recent days.  Using energygrp_excl applies only to
        > short-range nonbonded interactions.  If you need complete
        > you may have to look into tabulated potentials if this is
        the case.
        > -Justin

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Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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