On 4/25/13 12:02 PM, sarah k wrote:
Dear all,

I'm interested in calculating the Gibbs free energy of some systems. I
have several questions in this regard:

1- The g_energy command gives some values in kJ/mol for total energy
and enthalpy. Does the reported total energy include entropy effects?

Not likely.

(The calculated total energy and enthalpy were not equal for the
systems I had simulated.) Is the unit really kJ/mol?

Total energy and enthalpy should not necessarily be equal. Total energy is just the sum of potential and kinetic energy. The unit of kJ/mol is actually kJ per mole of equivalent systems.

2- Is it possible to perform md simulation as usual (like in the
drug-enzyme tutorial) and run the g_bar command to get the dG results?

That depends on your definition of "as usual" and what you expect as a result. You can decouple a ligand from a binding site, but that only gives you part of the information you need to calculate, for instance, the actual free energy of binding.

3- How can I get the md_$LAMBDA.mdp file? Or which lines should be
added to the common md.mdp files?

Given the nomenclature, I assume you are referring to files in my free energy tutorial, which are created by scripts. All the answers to this question are in my tutorial.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080

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