Dear Gromacs users,

I have some corrupted frames in different trajectories. gmxcheck with .trr 
trajectories gives extraordinary positions or velocities and with .xtc 
trajectories gives rise to the magic number error. I am aware of the program 
gmx_rescue kindly offered to us by its developers. However, this program can 
only work with .xtc files. It is possible to rescue .trr files when there is a 
maximum of one corrupted frame by checking the size of healthy frames, chopping 
the parts of the trajectory before and after, using e.g. programs head and tail 
with the corresponding integer multiples of one healthy frame in bytes and 
stitching them together. However, when there is two or more corrupted frames in 
different locations, although it is not hard to spot the exact locations, it is 
no longer possible to remove the problematic frames size-wise (or at least it 
is less likely to succeed than winning the lottery) , since the size of each 
corrupted frame is non-standard. Is there any corresponding software to 
gmx_rescue that can be used with .trr files? Is there any other recent program 
or any other way of coping with the problem? I did not post any details of my 
systems or the specific error messages I get because I believe my question is 

Thank you in advance!

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