Frederique W. Piccart schreef:
So far my experience:

Bad pointers:
- Still have to press Fn + F5 to make wireless active each time I boot.

The wifi LED on mine comes on right before logon screen.

- When browsing with Epiphany (just starting it and it begins to load),
when on wireless, the kernel will panic. This will not happen for example
when I'm running a stream on Rhythmbox, nor does any of this happen when I
just use an Ethernet connection.

Epiphany works fine with wifi here.

- Still no WPA/WPA2 listing in network-admin application, only WEP Hex and

Confirmed. I can connect to my WPA network through nm-applet just fine, though.

- Don't know if it's in an issue, but with the new wireless driver, for
some reason during kernel boot, it renames the wireless connection to
wlan1, each time.

Delete the wlanx rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and reboot.

- When you press Fn + F2 now, the screen actually shuts off. Before it
seemed as if it just blackened it and put the brightness on lowest point.

Fn+F2 does nothing for me.

And a general question, a gnubie question really. Is there anyway to apply
updates, without rebooting to have them in use? Sometimes I read on
websites boasting about how GNU/Linux systems can even update the kernel,
without having to reboot.

Ksplice can apply source code patches to a running kernel, but it's not something gnubies generally do. :) You need the kernel source code for it and I think it only works for small patches and only for a subset of the Linux subsystems (so not for going from 2.6.27 to 2.6.30).

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