On Dec 15, 2009, Alexandre Oliva <lxol...@fsfla.org> wrote:

> It is now time to announce and

> Corresponding gNewSense/mipsel (Lemote Yeeloong) [...]
> are underway.

They're now available from the apt repository at

deb http://linux-libre.fsfla.org/pub/linux-libre/lemote/gnewsense metad main

Once you set it up in sources.list, you'll be able to do:

# apt-get install linux-image- \

Now, beware: 2.6.32.* kernels require you to add machtype=8.9 in the
boot command line in order to deal with lemote yeeloong laptops
properly, as in, reporting battery, powering off, and probably more.

Alexandre Oliva, freedom fighter    http://FSFLA.org/~lxoliva/
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. -- Gandhi
Be Free! -- http://FSFLA.org/   FSF Latin America board member
Free Software Evangelist      Red Hat Brazil Compiler Engineer

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